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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Rusty Moore - Inflammation Of The Muscles

Symptoms of inflammation of the muscles and skin
Symptoms include first, usually, twice the muscle , which appears in half of the cases slowly, without pain, within three up to six months. In a third of cases, these symptoms appear, within a few weeks, and when a small number of cases, many years pass until the disease is diagnosed.

Muscle weakness affecting the proximal muscle group (proximal muscles) which leads to the patient during gait ataxia, also lead to difficulty in doing some business, such as climbing stairs, combing hair, the transition from lying down to sitting down and getting up from a chair. May cause muscle injury mechanism of swallowing, speech, hoarseness and difficulty swallowing.

Rusty Moore author of Visual Impact Muscle Building
When the infected skin, too, inflammation, showing a rash red - purple, affects mainly, eyelids, face, nose bridge, neck area, chest front and back. In some cases, skin lesions appear slightly elevated with crust is concentrated in the small joints in the hands - Jotron nodules (Gottron's Papules). As a result of a small blood vessel injury, appears bluish fingers sometimes and sometimes expand the blood vessels in the nail bed (Nail bed) may appear infarcts 

 small fingertip.

The causes and risk factors for inflammation of the muscles and skin
The reasons for the emergence of muscle inflammation is not clear completely. There is an imbalance in the immune function, which leads to increased inflammatory immune system cells within the muscles, stimulates the secretion of inflammation as well. In addition, there is evidence to produce a large amount of auto-antibodies, some of which is also present in other diseases of the connective tissue, but some are for muscle disease.

Hnlk evidence is not conclusive, that the inflammation is stimulated by factors of infection, such as different viruses and bacteria, which could lead to disorder in the immune reaction in people who have certain genes. In addition to all this, may occur as a result of inflammation of the muscles take drugs, such as drugs to reduce fat in the blood serum, alcohol and medication to reduce stomach acid and others.

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